
She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.

Proverbs 31:25

Welcome to Bethesda Baptist Church Women's Ministry.  Our ministry is to women, from women, and about women - all to the praise and honor of our Lord Jesus Christ.  We desire to form bonds of sisterhood and friendship between and among the ladies of the church and to serve God and each other in the spirit of Christ.

Live. Love. Laugh. Learn.  
Our goal is to build strong bonds of friendship and sisterhood among the women of Bethesda Baptist Church as we seek to grow in our relationship with Christ.
September 20–22, 2024
$198 per person

Includes two nights lodging, four meals, and a program fee with Speaker Mary Ruth Dixon & Music by Kristi and Russell Johnson.
God has a personal plan for each person within His larger plan. Sometimes this truth is hard to believe when we go through confusing or difficult circumstances. Just as there is a purpose for each piece within a large model of a plane or ship, there is purpose in every aspect of your life. God has a purpose for each of these details as the Master Planner. His Providence means his ability to see ahead. God lives in a constant present and sees all. He observes our faithfulness within our daily routine and how we handle the unexpected. We all experience good and bad in life, and all are tempted to doubt God’s providential plan. At those times, we must ground our heart and mind in God’s Word so we may continue to move forward. By grace, trust that God’s master plan is beautiful. Be satisfied by playing your piece faithfully, and let Him work out all the details as He wills.

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