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Mission Trip Application

Please print and have notarized the below waivers. Original copies must be returned to the church office by the due date listed on the trip information packet. 
Trip fees can be paid via check (write "Missions & your name" on the memo) or at the button below.

medical information (confidential)

Matthew 28 policies & guidelines

Bethesda Baptist Church (BBC), recognized as a Global Priority Church by the International Mission Board, desires to provide financial assistance, when needed, for members participating in short-term mission trips.  Each application will be approved or declined by the Mission Team based on the following Policy & Guidelines.  The Finance Team will exercise final approval based on actual availability of funds at the time of the request.
  • BBC will provide grants for members of BBC only.  Applicant must have been a member for 6 months.
  • The Grant Pack Application Packet must be received by the church office, who will initial and date the completed material, and forward it to the Elders.  Applications will be considered on a first come first serve basis.  Applications must be received no later than 30 days prior to the mission trip in order to be considered.
  • BBC will only consider trips for BBC Missions Areas of Focus.  The Areas of Focus will be determined by the elders in alignment with ministry vision.
  • All applicants are to carefully read, and are required to complete the Application Packet consisting of the following:  (1) Policy & Guidelines, (2)Application Form, (3) Cost Worksheet, (4) Release Form & Waiver, (5) Medical Information Sheet, (6) Background Check Authorization Form, (7)Personal Testimony of Applicant’s Salvation Experience, their calling to this mission and what they hope to achieve on the trip- not to exceed three pages.
  • BBC may provide financial assistance, based on the availability of funds, at a rate of 30%, or more at the discretion of the Elders.  The Elders will review the completed material and make a determination.  The decisions of the Elders will be final.  The applicant will be notified of the decision by email or mail.  All funds will be refunded to the Church if the applicant is unable to go on the planned trip.
  • BBC will not be responsible for providing funding for passports, immunizations, medications or any other personal items for a mission trip.
  • Bethesda Baptist Church believes in the Great Commission, and the mandate that all who are sent out from the Church should be “fishers of men” (Matthew 28:19-20)  All participants must be ready and able to share their saving faith in Jesus Christ.  Each applicant must demonstrate their ability to share their faith with the Team Leader or any person designated by the Mission Team PRIOR to receiving Matthew 28 funds.
  • Questions concerning these Policies & Guidelines should be directed to the Elders.
  • All trip participants must pay their trip deposits from their personal funds.  Deposits cannot be fund-raised or given on behalf of someone else.


High school mission trip to Oaxaca, Mexico

Mission Trip Destination: Oaxaca, Mexico
Trip Dates: July 5-12, 2025
Ministry Serving with IMB
Cost: $1,915
Matthew 28 funds available: $574.50 (for members of BBC)
Trip cost with Matthew 28 applied: $1,340.50

mission trip to EASTERN EUROPE

Mission Trip Destination: Eastern Europe
Trip Dates: October 3-11, 2025
April 13, 2025: $200 Self-paid Deposit due
July 13, 2025: 1st installment due ($1,800)
September 7, 2025: Balance Due ($1,000)
Cost: $3,000
Matthew 28 funds available: $900 (for members of BBC)
Trip cost with Matthew 28 applied: $2,100

mission trip to tanzania

Mission Trip Destination: Tanzania, Africa
Trip Dates: 2026 Date TBA
$200 Self-paid Deposit due TBD
Cost: $2,500
Matthew 28 funds available: $750 (for members of BBC)
Trip cost with Matthew 28 applied: $1,750

matthew 28 application

trip requirements

You will need to complete these requirements:
Your personal information
Emergency information
Matthew 28 Application (for BBC members)

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