Baptism Signup Form
When we tell the world that Jesus has changed our lives, God gets the glory He deserves. It's time to let everyone know what He's done for us.
The Bible says that all professing Christians should be baptized (Matthew 28:18-20). If you’ve recently begun a relationship with Jesus or have been following Jesus for a long time but were never baptized, water baptism is your next step! Fill out the form below and our team will be in contact concerning our next Baptism Sunday and your next steps.
The Bible says that all professing Christians should be baptized (Matthew 28:18-20). If you’ve recently begun a relationship with Jesus or have been following Jesus for a long time but were never baptized, water baptism is your next step! Fill out the form below and our team will be in contact concerning our next Baptism Sunday and your next steps.
What is baptism?
Baptism is the immersion of a follower of Jesus Christ in water in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. It is an act of obedience symbolizing the believer’s faith in a crucified, buried and risen Savior. It also symbolizes the believer’s death to sin, the burial of their old life and resurrection to walk in newness of life in Christ. It is a testimony to a believer’s faith in the final resurrection of the dead. As a church ordinance, it is often a prerequisite to the privileges of church membership and to the Lord’s Supper.
Who should be baptized?
Those who have trusted Jesus Christ as Savior should be baptized as a demonstration of one’s obedience, identification with Christ, understanding of what Jesus accomplished on their behalf and one’s desire to follow Him. (Romans 6:3-5) Why should one be baptized? Every follower of Jesus should be baptized because Jesus modeled and commanded it. Baptism demonstrates obedience and symbolizes identifying with Christ, dying to sin and self, and beginning a new life in Christ. (Matthew 3:13-17; Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22; Romans 6:3-5)
How should one be baptized?
Immersion is the biblical picture of baptism based upon grammatical usage, Scriptural pattern and theological implications. The Greek word baptizo means “to dip, immerse or submerge.” Additionally, the language and descriptions in many baptisms recorded in the New Testament indicate that the mode of baptism was by immersion. Finally, baptism by immersion is the best representation of death, burial and resurrection. (Matthew 3:13-17; Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22; Romans 6:3-5)
When should someone be baptized?
Many New Testament followers of Jesus were baptized immediately after trusting Christ as Savior — that is, there wasn’t a gap between when a person trusted Christ and when that person was baptized. (Acts 2:41; 8:36; 9:18-19; 16:14-15; 18:8)
Where should baptisms take place?
As an ordinance of the church, the administration of baptism belongs to local churches. Baptism should be celebrated by the assembled church, rather than a solitary observance on the part of individuals. While generally conducted as part of or in conjunction with a worship service, baptism may be celebrated outside the church building.
What happens after someone gets baptized?
Baptism is often an individual’s first step of obedience following repentance and faith in Christ. Ongoing discipleship is important, and churches should prioritize helping people grow in their faith. Follow up with every person to make sure they understand what it means to follow Jesus and ensure they are connected with someone in your church who can continue to disciple them. (Matthew 28:19-20)
Does a believer have to be baptized to go to heaven?
Baptism is not essential for salvation. However, baptism’s importance and significance should not be minimized as a step of obedience and identification with Christ.
What if someone wants to be baptized but shows no evidence of salvation?
The act of baptism is just a symbol — it’s meaningless if it does not represent authentic repentance and faith in their life. We would love to talk with you a little more before you get baptized. We are not saying “no,” but simply “not right now.”
At what age should a child be baptized?
While Scripture is clear that baptism is reserved for individuals who have placed their trust in Jesus Christ, the age at which someone should be baptized is not directly addressed in Scripture. Sometimes a child may not be ready to trust Christ or be baptized, but their comments and questions are signs that they are exploring what it means to become a follower of Jesus. It’s important not to rush a commitment that a child is not ready to make, but it’s equally important to encourage them in their journey of faith.
What if you were baptized as an infant?
Baptism in the Bible is based on a personal decision to follow Christ. Therefore, being baptized as an infant is not really a profession of your faith, but a profession of your parents’ faith. Celebrate and praise God for that, but we encourage you to declare your own personal decision to follow Jesus through repentance, faith and baptism.
Shouldn’t a class for baptism candidates be required to make sure their profession is sincere?
We should be concerned that everyone who comes forward to be baptized understands the gospel and the significance of what they are doing. We have pastors and elders available to talk with them. But baptism is the first step of obedience, not the sign of having reached a level of spiritual maturity. We should be equally concerned that we are not creating extra-biblical barriers to obedience.
Does a pastor or minister have to administer baptism?
While Scripture offers no explicit instruction or prescription regarding who may administer baptism, many argue that there is wisdom and prudence to have someone perform baptism who represents the congregation. In many instances this would be a pastor, but it does not have to be.
Baptism is the immersion of a follower of Jesus Christ in water in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. It is an act of obedience symbolizing the believer’s faith in a crucified, buried and risen Savior. It also symbolizes the believer’s death to sin, the burial of their old life and resurrection to walk in newness of life in Christ. It is a testimony to a believer’s faith in the final resurrection of the dead. As a church ordinance, it is often a prerequisite to the privileges of church membership and to the Lord’s Supper.
Who should be baptized?
Those who have trusted Jesus Christ as Savior should be baptized as a demonstration of one’s obedience, identification with Christ, understanding of what Jesus accomplished on their behalf and one’s desire to follow Him. (Romans 6:3-5) Why should one be baptized? Every follower of Jesus should be baptized because Jesus modeled and commanded it. Baptism demonstrates obedience and symbolizes identifying with Christ, dying to sin and self, and beginning a new life in Christ. (Matthew 3:13-17; Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22; Romans 6:3-5)
How should one be baptized?
Immersion is the biblical picture of baptism based upon grammatical usage, Scriptural pattern and theological implications. The Greek word baptizo means “to dip, immerse or submerge.” Additionally, the language and descriptions in many baptisms recorded in the New Testament indicate that the mode of baptism was by immersion. Finally, baptism by immersion is the best representation of death, burial and resurrection. (Matthew 3:13-17; Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22; Romans 6:3-5)
When should someone be baptized?
Many New Testament followers of Jesus were baptized immediately after trusting Christ as Savior — that is, there wasn’t a gap between when a person trusted Christ and when that person was baptized. (Acts 2:41; 8:36; 9:18-19; 16:14-15; 18:8)
Where should baptisms take place?
As an ordinance of the church, the administration of baptism belongs to local churches. Baptism should be celebrated by the assembled church, rather than a solitary observance on the part of individuals. While generally conducted as part of or in conjunction with a worship service, baptism may be celebrated outside the church building.
What happens after someone gets baptized?
Baptism is often an individual’s first step of obedience following repentance and faith in Christ. Ongoing discipleship is important, and churches should prioritize helping people grow in their faith. Follow up with every person to make sure they understand what it means to follow Jesus and ensure they are connected with someone in your church who can continue to disciple them. (Matthew 28:19-20)
Does a believer have to be baptized to go to heaven?
Baptism is not essential for salvation. However, baptism’s importance and significance should not be minimized as a step of obedience and identification with Christ.
What if someone wants to be baptized but shows no evidence of salvation?
The act of baptism is just a symbol — it’s meaningless if it does not represent authentic repentance and faith in their life. We would love to talk with you a little more before you get baptized. We are not saying “no,” but simply “not right now.”
At what age should a child be baptized?
While Scripture is clear that baptism is reserved for individuals who have placed their trust in Jesus Christ, the age at which someone should be baptized is not directly addressed in Scripture. Sometimes a child may not be ready to trust Christ or be baptized, but their comments and questions are signs that they are exploring what it means to become a follower of Jesus. It’s important not to rush a commitment that a child is not ready to make, but it’s equally important to encourage them in their journey of faith.
What if you were baptized as an infant?
Baptism in the Bible is based on a personal decision to follow Christ. Therefore, being baptized as an infant is not really a profession of your faith, but a profession of your parents’ faith. Celebrate and praise God for that, but we encourage you to declare your own personal decision to follow Jesus through repentance, faith and baptism.
Shouldn’t a class for baptism candidates be required to make sure their profession is sincere?
We should be concerned that everyone who comes forward to be baptized understands the gospel and the significance of what they are doing. We have pastors and elders available to talk with them. But baptism is the first step of obedience, not the sign of having reached a level of spiritual maturity. We should be equally concerned that we are not creating extra-biblical barriers to obedience.
Does a pastor or minister have to administer baptism?
While Scripture offers no explicit instruction or prescription regarding who may administer baptism, many argue that there is wisdom and prudence to have someone perform baptism who represents the congregation. In many instances this would be a pastor, but it does not have to be.